Do you want to be successful? I do! Sometimes it feels like I am grinding and getting nowhere. "There simply aren't enough hours in the day for me to get all of my work done" has been a thought that has crossed my mind.
The problem with that statement is that I see other people in similar situations as me finding success. What are they doing differently?
I think what makes the difference is discipline. They have learned how to face the uncomfortable things in life and "embrace the suck."
What held me back for so long was trying to stay as comfortable as possible. It is scary walking down a path that I haven't walked before.
I present to you two questions: Where do you want to be in five years and what is the first step to reaching that goal? Now go take that first step and accept the road that lies between you and your goal. For me, I believe that the first step is learning to wake up and be productive early in the morning! #wmvisual